Sustained Effectiveness through the Spirit

As someone who seeks to serve the Lord, I have learnt that the very foundation of sustained effectiveness as a disciple does not lie in any of the training, instruction or personal ability. Sustained effectiveness comes out of the work of the Spirit.

In my book “The Genius in the Kingdom: How Discipleship Impacts Church Planting” I write:

“As you read the Gospels and Acts, it is really helpful to look in particular at what Jesus said about the Spirit and the work that He would do in those who were commissioned by Him and be among those who would ‘go’. Lu9:1–6 and Matt10:1–4 provide great insights on this matter. What I see in these passages is an insight into how Jesus delegates power and authority so that those being sent may have what they need. There are some specifics in the passage about how they were to operate on this mission trip, but the delegation of Jesus’ power and authority was, in the original context, as it was in my own life, a critical factor in the mission of God. What I have learnt from my reflection on this passage as a planter, is that being ‘sent’ without Jesus’ power and authority is a huge ask of me or indeed of any person. And I have also realised this about ministry ever since.”

There is no doubt in my mind about this and I commend to you the sincere seeking after the work of the Spirit each day.

The book is now available on paperback and Kindle from Amazon.



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