I think the LORD has been deliberately leading us in specific conversations across the Body. Discipleship of course is one of these conversations. We are still to see the full implications of what the Lord of the Harvest has been doing but I believe the future is becoming clearer. In my book “The Genius in the Kingdom: How Discipleship Impacts Church Planting” I write:
“Our fatal assumption (in my lifetime anyway) has been to assume that when someone decides to follow Jesus, that they become disciples almost automatically, by attending worship and being in a small group. Of course, the reading and study of Scripture is an important aspect of a disciple’s rhythm. But what I know now is that discipleship doesn’t just happen. If someone decides to follow Jesus, it will require another intentional process to help that person develop a very distinctive lifestyle, specifically, the lifestyle of the One to whom they have been apprenticed for life and which is described by the Apostle as the “new creation” (2Cor5:21 ESV). So, we act intentionally by seeking to bring each person who decides they wish to be a follower of Jesus into a process where they are learning together, in community together, and, on mission together. All at the same time.”
Out of this kind of intentionality, there will be genesis of the movement that we seek.
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