On my website, there is mention made of services that I offer those in ministry. There are two services in particular that I provide that I would like to promote to you – one is mentoring and the other is coaching. In my experience, sometimes leaders need a coach and sometimes they need a mentor.

I see my task as first of all discerning what is needed and then carefully providing that service to leaders and teams so that they may continue to operate in the grace that the LORD has given them and do so sustainably and effectively.

Mentoring really is a ‘pouring into’ leaders and teams. Sometimes, that’s the best way to change posture and motivation. In this case, I would be providing prompts and encouragement and resources to promote that shift in posture and motivation.

Coaching though, is distinctively different.

Coaching is a ‘drawing out’. In this case leaders and teams already have a sense of what is needed to change the posture and motivation but they have not connected their insights to what is next. As a coach, I would ask lots of questions so that in the end the leader and teams would themselves become convinced about what was needed and then commit to moving forward.

There is more on the kind of support that planting leaders and their teams need in my book “The Genius in the Kingdom: How Discipleship Impacts Church Planting” from Amazon.

May I also recommend if you have no mentor or coach that you might contact M4 Australia. Their website is – https://www.m4australia.org/

If you’d like to talk with me leave a message on my contact form and I will get back to you.



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