Apostolic Work

Some words can become problematic in conversation among us. And, over the years the word “apostolic” has been one of them. As I have grown into what Jesus was revealing to me and asking of me, I have developed through my work and research, my sense of what it means to be ‘apostolic’. Here’s an excerpt from my book “The Genius in the Kingdom: How Discipleship Impacts Church Planting.

“Over this time of reading and reflection, I affirm again that I see Church planting as an ‘apostolic’ work. Now, I acknowledge that this word carries quite a lot of meaning. I am proposing the use of the word here in two senses. First, some apostolic leaders are primarily motivated by what is not in front of them and, some apostolic leaders are primarily involved in what is in front of them. The distinction for me is important because Church planting requires apostolic leaders who are primarily motivated by what is not in front of them. To navigate the foundational period of development for a new church this is the kind of leader you will need. These leaders will carry a sense of urgency about this personally to the point where it will change everything they do.But eventually there will be a need for the apostolic leader who is primarily motivated by what is in front of them. The work of the pastor in caring for the disciples and the work of the teacher in giving the disciples the instruction they need to continue their walk of obedience to Jesus, closes the leadership circle. I take this view because in my experience, apostolic leaders of both types are engaged in promoting sentness in the priesthood of all believers and it is this that ensures long-term effectiveness that will lead to multiplication. The former type of leader are primary agents of planting but, in my experience, the latter type of leader begin to appear to best effect in Australian contexts from around the third or fourth year in the life of a new church.”

This is one of the important conversations we will need to be having.

My book is available from Amazon now.




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