Resilience in Leadership: Partnering with Jesus in Discipleship-Based Church Planting

Discipleship-based Church planting will still need leaders. If Ephesians 4 means anything it means that Jesus is already committed to raising up leaders for His work. The shift to a discipleship-based church-planting approach does not mean leaders are no longer needed. In my book “The Genius in the Kingdom: How Discipleship Impacts Church Planting” I write:

“I think Paul sees resilience in his own life as arising from his experience of being strengthened by the Lord inwardly and especially so by His finished work. The implication then is that resilience is not just something you may develop by some change of internal monologue, but something that is generated in you by Jesus out of His finished work and in a partnership with you. A Church planting leader must be encouraged to experience the inward work of the Spirit again and again and over and over not just because this will help build resilience in them but because it is the best manner of life for those obeying the commission of Jesus.”

My conviction remains that a discipleship-based church-planting approach is the opportunity before us. Let us pray that out of the disciples, Jesus will raise those who will lead.

The book is now available on paperback and Kindle from Amazon.



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